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Gratitude has the power to change your vibration instantly. After your vibration is moved higher, all of the things that are on that high vibration are coming to your reality. 

Gratitude is a method, a skill that can be learned. Gratitude is a skill that you can “learn” just by saying “thank you” for every single thing that happens to you

Gratitude is the foundation, the starting point for a truly happy life.

Why it is so important to be grateful for every positive thing that we have? It is because we are vibrational beings on whose vibration the Universe reacts. How can a person become grateful? With everyday exercise. With constantly saying “thank you”. 

If you think you don’t have anything that you can be grateful for in your life, you couldn’t be more wrong. You can see, you can walk, you can talk. You have a place to live, clean water to drink, healthy food to eat. You have a friend, a lover, a kid. You have a job, a hobby. You have books, movies, music. You have free will. You have freedom. You have health. Are you thankful for all these things or you are taking them for granted?

Do you know what happens after you express your gratitude to all these things? Your vibration rises instantly, your energy also rises, and, from that moment, your whole day goes in a completely different direction. 

Name now a couple of things you’re grateful- say thank you for everything you have in this very moment- your family, children, health, food, water, clean clothes, etc. Right now you are focusing on all the good things is your life. Right now, you feel good. Right now, you are rising your vibration. 

Because of your gratitude, the Universe will continue to send you more and more of things that you can be thankful for. 

Remember that everything always starts with gratitude. As you can see, when you are trully grateful, you change your focus, your emotions and your vibration. And with your changed vibration, your whole life changes.

The real difference between happy and unhappy people lies in the gratitude. A happy person puts his focus on the things he already has in his life. A happy person puts his focus on those things which are doing great in his life.A happy person is a trully grateful person. A person who is unhappy can’t notice the blessings that he alredy has in his life. 

If from five things in your life,  just one of those things is doing good,  and you focus on that one good thing in your life, you have the vibration of that thing. If you become grateful for that one good thing, if you keep your focus on that good thing that you have, soon enough, the other four things will get that same vibration. And, in the end, all five segments of your life will be great.

Gratitude is a very powerful tool. Use it, be grateful every day and your vibration will raise. When your vibration is high,  you will attract only good and positive things.